Equine Massage:
Massage and energy work have a very strong healing influence on horses of all ages and conditions. It is widely used to prevent and release stress as well as to assist in recovery from injuries. Equine therapy techniques safely affect the whole body by regulating the circulatory, muscular, and nervous systems and their interdependent functions. This combination of modalities will relax your animal when excitable, and give him strength and flexibility when tired. It helps to dispel toxins and increase oxygenation for a better metabolism, leading to enhanced performance and shorter recuperation time. Over time, it will also help soften sharp character traits. Sessions are focused around a soft, mindful, and caring contact and an expression of unconditional love. Basic grooming practices will be part of the session. Initial consultation and information gathering need to happen with owner first meeting.
Contact: Heidi Haltiner
Hours: By Appointment Only
Phone: 808-357-0181
E-mail: massagebyheidimaui@yahoo.com