Designed to relieve tension in the muscles and the connective tissue or fascia. Deep tissue massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. This type of massage is often recommended for individuals who suffer from constant pain, are involved in heavy physical activities, and patients who have sustained physical injury.
The term “deep tissue” is often misused to identify a massage that is performed with sustained deep pressure. There is a “gradual buildup and decline” connected to doing deep work. These sessions are often quiet intense as a result of the deliberate, focused work. Deep Tissue works by physically breaking down adhesions found in muscles, tendons, and ligaments to relieve pain and restore normal movement. Due to the nature of this type of work, open and honest communication during the session is VERY important! A misconception of deep tissue massage is “no pain, no gain”. There is a level of pain that can be helpful. Think of a “good” pain level this way = 0 being no pain and 10 being extreme pain, you do not want your pain level above a 7. Although it may be what you think feels “needed” at the time, this can cause bruising and a lot of unnecessary soreness. Deeper isn’t always better and it’s important you trust your therapist to determine the “proper” therapeutic pressure levels your muscle tissue can handle and will serve you best overall. Deep breathing is also a very important tool for receiving this type of massage work.
Contact: Heidi Haltiner
Hours: By Appointment Only
Phone: 808-357-0181